Deep, Dark Thoughts from the Desk

It’s almost the end of January and I’ve only had 11 days of school so far this year.
The amount of snow is amazing.

Winter’s always been my favorite season. I love the dead trees, dead grass, dead cold…

But I’m not sure anymore. I think I’m more of a fall person now. Fall is better for photography. And this year has been so cold, my hands crack as I type.

Seriously. I need a band-aid. Hold on a sec.


Okay I’m back. (I used the Jane Austen Band-Aid, Gigi)

Today is our 8th snow day. I’m a senior, so I don’t have days added on to the end of the school year. I still get let out in May.

But I’m really pissed off about all the snow days. Scatter a day or two here and there, spread out just so that you get a break when you need it most–that’s nice. This? This is not nice. I WANT MY NEW SEMESTER.

Besides, school is really the only place where I can be social.
Unless you count this blog.

But you people don’t get to see how great my hair looks today.

I have a totally new semester and I don’t know exactly who’s going to be in my classes, but I’m hoping for a couple of friends in each one. Maybe the guy I have a crush on will even pop up in a couple classes!

But I can’t know unless we go back to school.

Also, I’m itching to learn. I want to know period four of World History. I want to learn more creative writing stuff. I want to get the January issue of our newspaper published. I want to eat lunch with friends!


Yesterday, I read two books and wrote a story. Today, I’ve written two more stories.

I also just went to the library and stacked up on books again. I’ll probably read another book by tonight.

And if we have another snow day, at least I’m prepared, though unhappy.


PS–You should check out my goodreads account. I have quite a few more books read and reviewed. 🙂

Catching Up

I’m in French class right now. But we’re having technical difficulties, and I’m bored.

So I’m writing my first blog post in quite a few months. Sorry about that.

I’m going to France this summer! The trip looks a lot more promising than our class right now…

What else have I been up to? Exams, clubs, reading…

I read quite a few books over break. I recommend anything by Alethia Kontis or Amanda Hocking. I also recommend Hamlet and These Broken Stars.

I know this is a pretty sucky blog entry. No stories. No funny bits. But I’m a little crabby today, so this is about as good as it’s going to get.

I saw the Hobbit over break! That was good. And so is Frozen. Seriously. I don’t care what sort of movies you usually like, you are going to go see Frozen. I promise that you’ll enjoy it.

Unless you’re one of those people who just hates everything.

But if you’re one of those people, you shouldn’t be on my blog anyway.

Last thought here–anyone know where to find Sherlock season three, episode two??? I’m desperate.

I got into the colleges I’m interested in! That’s also pretty good news, though I’m not entirely sure which one to go to now. How do you decide on something like that? It means everything to me right now. Time is closing in on me and I still have no clue where I want to go and I’m not even entirely sure about what I want to do.

I wish my school offered a class for editing. Then I could see whether I like it or not.

In a Land of Myth and a Time of Magic…

…the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name…


So, guess where I’ve been for the past few weeks? Five feet away from the television, staring up with watery eyes at the perfection of the British TV show “Merlin.”

Well, not quite perfection. The graphics were terrible.

But other than that, yes. The actors were perfect, the cameras were perfect, the plots were perfect, the characters were perfect… I use past tense because most of them died.

And I’m okay with that.

So sue me, Merlin fandom. I just admitted that I’m okay with the deaths of Arthur, Freya, Gwaine, Lancelot, Balinor, Elyan, Isolde,  Morgana, and Mordred.

How else could they have ended it? That’s exactly what happens in the end of the legends–Arthur dies. He is wounded in battle. The producers could have made the ending much more agonizing. They could have killed Arthur instantly, leaving him no time to learn that his trusted manservant was a wizard. Instead, they allow him a few days under Merlin’s care, thus allowing him to hear the truth and giving their audience the reaction they had waited five seasons for. More than that, they gave the audience hope. In the final scene, we see an aged Merlin in the 21st century, strolling near the lake of Avalon, waiting for his friend to return as the Great Dragon promised he would.

Oh yeah, and we got to see Merlin’s amazing alter-ego “Dragoon” again before the season’s end. And Gwen took charge of Camelot. And Gaius and Merlin survived.

And Arthur said “Thank You.”

And cue the maniacal laughter…

Gigi has swung the ball back in my court.  Here are 15 statements that create her personality.

  1. Gigi spends most of her time studying for school. In her free time, she typically peruses the internet or texts me.
  2. Gigi stubbornly refuses to get a Pinterest. YOU WON’T LAST FOREVER, GIGI.
  3. Gigi, Justine, and I went to a zoo last summer. That is where I found out just how serious Regina’s fear of butterflies was.

    This is a butterfly from said venture to the zoo.


  4. Gigi played the clarinet.
  5. Several days ago, I introduced her to her first peep.
  6. She likes anime.
  7. She judges you silently.
  8. She lives off Taco Bell, McDonald’s, her mother’s asian food, seaweed, and Fererro Rochers.
  9. She introduced me to Mochi.
  10. Her dream is to be able to assess the value of one’s life. (Yes. I said “one’s”.)
  11. She literally explores every possible word in Scrabble, even if it sounds like absolute gibberish.
  12. She has absolutely nothing on her white bedroom walls. AND SHE HAS MORE SPACE THAN I DO.
  13. She frequently takes online quizzes for herself and her friends.
  14. She sucks at video games.
  15. She really likes reading Jane Austen and Meg Cabot. And she went through the “Twilight Phase” once. Yes, I remember…

Let me catch you up…

In case you’re reading this and are seriously intrigued by my life (HOW?), let me catch you up on what happened the past two weeks.

1) I went on vacation to a beautiful island in the Caribbean. You’d expect me to come back either tan or burnt, right? NOPE. I’m still as pale as Tom Sawyer’s fence. But that’s okay–I’m still sticking to my belief that pale will come back in season any day now. And how do tan people get pale again? “Spray-on white” doesn’t exactly exist.

2) From said island, I bought souvenirs for my friends and family. I bought a little drum for my younger brother, as he plays the drum. It’s constructed from carved wood and an animal pelt. My brother’s in boy scouts, so I figured he wouldn’t mind the animal pelt. What I didn’t consider was my dog. Yep. My brother put the drum on a shelf in his room. Now, my dog spends his days sitting in said room, staring up at that animal pelt with wide eyes. He was completely spooked by me for the next two days, and tried to avoid me altogether, as though he believed I had killed that animal myself, and would not hesitate to use him for the same purpose.

His behavior has improved very much. He’s even eating his dry dog food without human food bribery.

3) I watched the new Les Miserables movie (with Anne Hathaway) in my french class–SO GOOD. Now, days later, the songs still play on in my head. “I’M JEAN VALJEAN.”

4) My school got a new web filtering system. It won’t allow students to access tumblr, pinterest, or WORDPRESS. WordPress! I’m in shock. And now, it allows us to access some sort of “clean youtube search” website. But here’s the catch–we can’t watch the videos. The district is just torturing us, now. If we were dogs, they’d be holding a bone just out of our reach.

Yeah. I think that encompasses my past couple of weeks pretty well.