And cue the maniacal laughter…

Gigi has swung the ball back in my court.  Here are 15 statements that create her personality.

  1. Gigi spends most of her time studying for school. In her free time, she typically peruses the internet or texts me.
  2. Gigi stubbornly refuses to get a Pinterest. YOU WON’T LAST FOREVER, GIGI.
  3. Gigi, Justine, and I went to a zoo last summer. That is where I found out just how serious Regina’s fear of butterflies was.

    This is a butterfly from said venture to the zoo.


  4. Gigi played the clarinet.
  5. Several days ago, I introduced her to her first peep.
  6. She likes anime.
  7. She judges you silently.
  8. She lives off Taco Bell, McDonald’s, her mother’s asian food, seaweed, and Fererro Rochers.
  9. She introduced me to Mochi.
  10. Her dream is to be able to assess the value of one’s life. (Yes. I said “one’s”.)
  11. She literally explores every possible word in Scrabble, even if it sounds like absolute gibberish.
  12. She has absolutely nothing on her white bedroom walls. AND SHE HAS MORE SPACE THAN I DO.
  13. She frequently takes online quizzes for herself and her friends.
  14. She sucks at video games.
  15. She really likes reading Jane Austen and Meg Cabot. And she went through the “Twilight Phase” once. Yes, I remember…

Twilight Ruined My Life

I realized earlier that the Twilight saga has totally ruined my perception of the word “twilight”. Rather than think of the beautiful time of day when the sun is dipping just below the horizon and the sky is painted a beautiful variety of colors– velvety purple, soft pink, and faded orange– my mind automatically jumps to the image of sparkling vampires, a plot line oozing in the sappy factor, and jealous werewolves.

Now, I know I’ll never be as accomplished an author of Stephanie Meyers, but I swear to you, fellow readers, that I will never write a vampire novel.

…Nor will I name a novel “Twilight”, “New Moon”, or any other phase of the sky.

*bows to standing ovation*