French Music Video Friday

Dans ma classe de francais, nous regardons un clipe de musique chaque vendredi. Mais c’etait l’ete. Je ne suis pas un classe de francais maintenant, mais je besoin le musique francaise.

Marie-Mai: Cauchemar

Raffy: Le Faux est a la mode

Marie-Mai: Sans Cri Ni Haine

Ariane Brunet: Bien Avec Toi

Isleym: Avec le Temps

The Aquafina Lady and Other Odd Mall Sightings

I spent yesterday evening at the mall with my parents. The minute we stepped through the automatic doors, I heard this woman saying “Hey! Look here! This Aquafina vending machine doesn’t even have any water in it! I mean, how crazy is that? I want water, and the Aquafina machine doesn’t sell water! HEY YOU! I’M TALKING TO YOU HERE!” At this point, I did a quick scan of the halls. We were the only people there. I turned around to see if, perhaps, I actually knew the lady, and her conversation was meant for me. She was gesturing wildly next to the vending machine. Nope. I didn’t recognize her at all. That left one option: walk away quickly. “FINE. That’s cool. Just pretend that I’m not here. Pretend that I’m not talking to you. Walk away! Whatever.”

I don’t think my parents ever realized she was talking to us.

In the same trip, we encountered a waiter singing “Happy Birthday” in a deep, opera voice that was completely and purposefully off key. That was pretty awesome.

The last time I went to that mall, I ran into a group of teenagers dressed in bizarre costumes. This Arabian guy wore a Renaissance dress,  his short female companion wore a huge pink tutu with a matching plastic tiara, and a white guy pulled off a pirate costume. Their other friends were dressed normally and laughing hysterically. My first thought was, “someone lost a bet…”

Can you believe that the Aquafina vending machine doesn’t sell water? I mean, of all things, that’s what confuses me most.

5 song challenge

I’ve decided to call this a challenge, Gigi, so it sounds more epic. Here you have it–the five tracks I’ve been listening to lately


BarlowGirl: Never Alone


Natalie Grant: Hurricane


Hawk Nelson: A Million Miles Away


Owl City: Speed of Love


Relient K: This Week the Trend

(sorry for the poor quality of videos–I tend to choose songs that lack music/lyric videos)

The Things She Carried

  1. CHORES:  This consists of mowing the lawn, folding clothes, driving my mom places… You see, my mom fell off my loft bed a couple days a go and hit her back on the way down. She broke two ribs and collapsed a lung. So, the chore responsibilities fall to me.
  2. WRITING: I should totally be done planning my novel by now. (It’s been what…six months?) Therefore, I am opening it up to you, dear reader. What do you want to see in a character? That’s where I’m stuck. It’s hard coming up with a solid, realistic, quirky character, so I require your help. (The main character is a 17 year-old girl, Celestia, who’s mad at her parents for moving her to France her senior year. There’s also a 17 year-old boy, Luc, who could use more developing.)
  3. READING: Cursed Crime and Punishment…
  4. DOCTOR WHO: Hark! David Tennant is calling out to me…
  5. COLLEGE: I just sent in one application, I have to send another application soon, I’m looking into attending the honors college, too. I have a lot of questions to ask, too, but I’m not sure what questions they are. (Besides this one: Do juniors in the honors college really have to prepare a 45-minute thesis defense presentation in front of a bunch of staff members within a week of their thesis’s completion?)
  6. SCHOLARSHIPS: With all the money we’ve had to spend on medical emergencies lately (my brother broke his toe jumping off a bed), it seems I’m going to really need a scholarship. And if I get a full-ride scholarship, I could get a car, which leads me to my next number…
  7. LICENSE: I need three more hours of nighttime driving until I can take a road test. Help. Me.
  8. LIBRARY: Yeah, I know this sounds bad. “Tori, you already have so much on your plate…Why would you want more books?” Novels are my kryptonite. I can’t help it. I need novels.
  9. NEWSPAPER: Is my school newspaper getting together anytime soon? How will I know, since I lack a Twitter?
  10. GOODREADS: Gosh, I really haven’t been keeping up with all my books lately. Whoops.
  11. EATING: Yeah, there’s a rumbly in my tumbly.
  12. SOCIAL LIFE: Aww, who am I kidding?
  13. SLEEPING: so…tired…
  14. SEEING: I got new glasses! I’m trying to adjust to my world being clear all of the sudden. It’s odd.

    These are my glasses. They’re from Bebe.

  15. CHURCH: Yeah, it’s not really a burden. More of a release. But then again, eating isn’t a burden either. Nor reading or writing… They’re just on my mind a lot.
  16. COLLAPSIBLE LUNG: Relient K has a new CD. It’s (IRONICALLY) called “Collapsible Lung.” It sounds a lot different from anything else they’ve ever done. I need to devour it and decide if I like the change or not. This is my favorite song from it so far:

I also like Collapsable Lung, I Can’t Complain, and If I Could Take You Home. 🙂

Polly put the kettle on.

Fine, fine, here’s your post.

When my brother was a wee child (about three years old), my grandparents bought him this noisy, obnoxious toy. Apparently this is a typical grandparent thing.

This is the table. You see that book in the back? When you turned the page, it would sing Polly’s song…

That looks like loads of fun, doesn’t it?? You want one now. Needless to say, it was my brother’s favorite toy. The batteries wore out quickly and we couldn’t figure out where they were in the toy–had we known, they would have been out long ago…

There was a little book attatched to this toy, and when you turned the page, it would play this song:

I. Hate. Polly.

As the batteries wore out, the singer’s voice deepened and the song went on foreeevvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And then poor Polly’s kettle finally steamed over. She began to sing without her pages being turned. We threw the toy into our basement in the hopes that it would shut Polly up, but to no avail. At midnight, you could hear the ghastly droning of “POLLLYYYY PUUUT THEEE KEEETTTLLLEE OOONNNNNNNNNNNNN…” drifting up from the bowels of our home.

It still gives me the shivers after all these years.

Why does Sukey take it off again? Will the two frienemies ever have their tea? Will there ever be an end to their kettle wars??

And “Sukey take it off again” IS NOT EVEN GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT. Sukey need to learn to speak English!

And what really makes me steam is this: the sentence ends in a preposition. WHAT THE HECK DOES POLLY PUT HER KETTLE ON?!?!?!?!



The annual problem of our generation…

…is finding a good way to spend it. (Props to you if you know where this comes from)

Gigi and I have compiled a great big list of events we must partake in this summer.

  1. Visit the science museum
  2. Visit the zoo (again)
  3. Drive a Model T
  4. Read a book by John Green
  5. Get together to make each other watch all those movies and TV shows we keep trying to get each other to watch.
  6. Visit the nearest Cheesecake Factory
  7. Take pictures of us jumping at various locations
  8. Leave notes of encouragement (as inspired by tumblr) around various locations
  9. Play laser tag
  10. Shop at a mall
  11. Play “Where’s Waldo” real-life style at some crowded location
  12. Work out at the gym
  13. Work out at the park
  14. Walk around downtown
  15. Visit my grandparents’ boat/marina
  16. Make a stuffed animal at Build-A-Bear Workshop
  17. Bake brownies, crepes, etc. (We’re going to need to borrow someone else’s kitchen, as ours are both inefficient for this purpose. Volunteers?)
  18. Visit the beach
  19. Attend a concert(?)
  20. Eat dinner at some restaurant with Gigi’s family…

Yeah. This isn’t all happening, but we can try. There’s 104 days of summer vacation, and school comes along just to end it… (Please comment all the ones I’ve forgotten, Gigi.)

This is what I sing to myself when no one’s home…

Gigi came up with this post idea. I realize now just how many songs go through my head often. I’m influenced by America, France, Britain, and Korea in my music taste. I have been influenced my my parents, my brother, and Gigi. I listen to just about any genre.

  1. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket never let it fade awayyy. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket save it for a rainy dayyyy.
  3. Don’t youuuuu…forget about me. Don’t don’t don’t don’t.
  4. Hey now. Hey now. This is what dreeeeeaaams are made of…
  6. Elle me dit. Écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout l’monde aime
  7. Toi plus moi plus eux plus tous ceux qui le veulent plus lui plus elle et tous ceux qui sont seuls allez, venez et entrez dans la danse allez, venez….
  8. There’s a fire starting in my heart…
  9. Don’t go chasing waterfalls…
  10. Lovely ladies, come along with me…
  11. At the end of the day you’re another day older…
  12. Master of the house…
  14. Dingue, dingue, dingue, dingue.
  15. You can go your own way. *go your own wayyayy*
  16. Don’t stop believing!
  17. He’s a semi-aquatic, egg-layin’ mammal of Action…
  18. I’ll make a man out of yooouuuuuuuu.
  19. Naeng Myeon, Naeng Myeon, Naeng Myeon
  20. Starships were meant to flyy-y-y
  21. L-l-ladies, gentlemen…
  22. You don’t know you’re beautiful
  23. Radioactive, radioactive.
  24. I knew you were trouble when you walked i-in.
  25. and we-E are never, ever, ever… getting back together.
  26. Don’t give up on love! Don’t let it fall away.
  27. Baby, bye, bye, bye *BYE BYE*
  28. You say goodbye-I say hello. Hello, hello!
  29. I came across a place in the middle of nowhere with a big black horse and a cherry tree. *woohoo-do-do-a-do-do*
  30. This time, baby I’ll be-e-e BULLET-PROOF.
  31. Billy Jean is not my lover…
  32. Don’t worry, be happy now.
  33. MOTHEEEERRRR knows best!
  34. I just met you. And this is crazy! But here’s my number, so call me, maybe.
  35. *woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. woah-oh-oh* It’s always a GOOD TIME.
  36. *I WAS MADE TO LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE…* I was made to love you…
  37. Carry on my wayward so-o-o-on…
  38. One way or another, I’m gonna find ya, I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha!

How many of the above songs do you know? What songs get stuck in your head? Comment below.

And cue the maniacal laughter…

Gigi has swung the ball back in my court.  Here are 15 statements that create her personality.

  1. Gigi spends most of her time studying for school. In her free time, she typically peruses the internet or texts me.
  2. Gigi stubbornly refuses to get a Pinterest. YOU WON’T LAST FOREVER, GIGI.
  3. Gigi, Justine, and I went to a zoo last summer. That is where I found out just how serious Regina’s fear of butterflies was.

    This is a butterfly from said venture to the zoo.


  4. Gigi played the clarinet.
  5. Several days ago, I introduced her to her first peep.
  6. She likes anime.
  7. She judges you silently.
  8. She lives off Taco Bell, McDonald’s, her mother’s asian food, seaweed, and Fererro Rochers.
  9. She introduced me to Mochi.
  10. Her dream is to be able to assess the value of one’s life. (Yes. I said “one’s”.)
  11. She literally explores every possible word in Scrabble, even if it sounds like absolute gibberish.
  12. She has absolutely nothing on her white bedroom walls. AND SHE HAS MORE SPACE THAN I DO.
  13. She frequently takes online quizzes for herself and her friends.
  14. She sucks at video games.
  15. She really likes reading Jane Austen and Meg Cabot. And she went through the “Twilight Phase” once. Yes, I remember…

Let me catch you up…

In case you’re reading this and are seriously intrigued by my life (HOW?), let me catch you up on what happened the past two weeks.

1) I went on vacation to a beautiful island in the Caribbean. You’d expect me to come back either tan or burnt, right? NOPE. I’m still as pale as Tom Sawyer’s fence. But that’s okay–I’m still sticking to my belief that pale will come back in season any day now. And how do tan people get pale again? “Spray-on white” doesn’t exactly exist.

2) From said island, I bought souvenirs for my friends and family. I bought a little drum for my younger brother, as he plays the drum. It’s constructed from carved wood and an animal pelt. My brother’s in boy scouts, so I figured he wouldn’t mind the animal pelt. What I didn’t consider was my dog. Yep. My brother put the drum on a shelf in his room. Now, my dog spends his days sitting in said room, staring up at that animal pelt with wide eyes. He was completely spooked by me for the next two days, and tried to avoid me altogether, as though he believed I had killed that animal myself, and would not hesitate to use him for the same purpose.

His behavior has improved very much. He’s even eating his dry dog food without human food bribery.

3) I watched the new Les Miserables movie (with Anne Hathaway) in my french class–SO GOOD. Now, days later, the songs still play on in my head. “I’M JEAN VALJEAN.”

4) My school got a new web filtering system. It won’t allow students to access tumblr, pinterest, or WORDPRESS. WordPress! I’m in shock. And now, it allows us to access some sort of “clean youtube search” website. But here’s the catch–we can’t watch the videos. The district is just torturing us, now. If we were dogs, they’d be holding a bone just out of our reach.

Yeah. I think that encompasses my past couple of weeks pretty well.