Deep, Dark Thoughts from the Desk

It’s almost the end of January and I’ve only had 11 days of school so far this year.
The amount of snow is amazing.

Winter’s always been my favorite season. I love the dead trees, dead grass, dead cold…

But I’m not sure anymore. I think I’m more of a fall person now. Fall is better for photography. And this year has been so cold, my hands crack as I type.

Seriously. I need a band-aid. Hold on a sec.


Okay I’m back. (I used the Jane Austen Band-Aid, Gigi)

Today is our 8th snow day. I’m a senior, so I don’t have days added on to the end of the school year. I still get let out in May.

But I’m really pissed off about all the snow days. Scatter a day or two here and there, spread out just so that you get a break when you need it most–that’s nice. This? This is not nice. I WANT MY NEW SEMESTER.

Besides, school is really the only place where I can be social.
Unless you count this blog.

But you people don’t get to see how great my hair looks today.

I have a totally new semester and I don’t know exactly who’s going to be in my classes, but I’m hoping for a couple of friends in each one. Maybe the guy I have a crush on will even pop up in a couple classes!

But I can’t know unless we go back to school.

Also, I’m itching to learn. I want to know period four of World History. I want to learn more creative writing stuff. I want to get the January issue of our newspaper published. I want to eat lunch with friends!


Yesterday, I read two books and wrote a story. Today, I’ve written two more stories.

I also just went to the library and stacked up on books again. I’ll probably read another book by tonight.

And if we have another snow day, at least I’m prepared, though unhappy.


PS–You should check out my goodreads account. I have quite a few more books read and reviewed. 🙂

Catching Up

I’m in French class right now. But we’re having technical difficulties, and I’m bored.

So I’m writing my first blog post in quite a few months. Sorry about that.

I’m going to France this summer! The trip looks a lot more promising than our class right now…

What else have I been up to? Exams, clubs, reading…

I read quite a few books over break. I recommend anything by Alethia Kontis or Amanda Hocking. I also recommend Hamlet and These Broken Stars.

I know this is a pretty sucky blog entry. No stories. No funny bits. But I’m a little crabby today, so this is about as good as it’s going to get.

I saw the Hobbit over break! That was good. And so is Frozen. Seriously. I don’t care what sort of movies you usually like, you are going to go see Frozen. I promise that you’ll enjoy it.

Unless you’re one of those people who just hates everything.

But if you’re one of those people, you shouldn’t be on my blog anyway.

Last thought here–anyone know where to find Sherlock season three, episode two??? I’m desperate.

I got into the colleges I’m interested in! That’s also pretty good news, though I’m not entirely sure which one to go to now. How do you decide on something like that? It means everything to me right now. Time is closing in on me and I still have no clue where I want to go and I’m not even entirely sure about what I want to do.

I wish my school offered a class for editing. Then I could see whether I like it or not.

First week of school

  1. I’ve been appointed Official Protector of Sixth Graders (aka my brother and all his friends) on the bus. There’s not a whole lot to protect them from yet. Besides each other, I mean.
  2. There are actually 11 people in my AP French class. That’s a big improvement from last year’s measly four. We also got to play with play dough. I enjoyed that.
  3. AP Literature seems fun, too. Lots of reading. 🙂 I’ve already read a couple of the pieces we’re supposed to analyze this year, but that’s okay. At least I only have to read Heart of Darkness once… (GIGI)
  4. Photography 101 takes place in the dark room using film cameras. I’m disappointed–I would have preferred learning more about digital photography and Photoshop, though doubtlessly some of the work will carry over. Most of my classmates seem apathetic. I guess they took the class because they want an easy A.
  5. I have a lot of friends in my lunch (GIGI) and I get to eat in the locker bank this year (senior privileges) and my Mom started to make my lunch again. 🙂
  6. AP World History is okay… I wish we had better textbooks. They’re SO BORING. I honestly don’t know how you can make World History boring, but they managed to do it. Maybe I should write history textbooks one day just to improve student interest in social studies.
  7. Pre-Calc is math. I don’t like math. Therefore, I don’t like Pre-Calc. My peers are very loud. I need quiet to do math. So that is not a good mix, either. The teacher seems nice enough, though. We shall see how the year plays out…
  8. NEWSPAPER is amazing. It’s pushing me out of my comfort zone a lot, but I know I need to be pushed. We just started brainstorming ideas for the first issue and I’ve already collected a decent sum of cash from donations and advertisements. I also scored a position as co-editor-in-chief! I just hope all the freshmen will allow themselves to be stretched outside their comfort zones, too.
  9. I’m disappointed in the introduction to some of my classes. The first day is supposed to be where you pitch your class and get kids to love it before you lead them into the more strenuous work. The old “ice breaker, attendance, syllabus” path is not going to cut it at a twelfth grade level. And yet, that’s exactly what a couple of my classes did. Change it up! That style is boring for teachers and students alike. Be creative and specific to your class! Have actual conversations with students! Generate ideas for the year aloud with students. They might have some good ideas! Save the boring syllabus part for the second day (or attempt to make your syllabus not boring! *gasp*).
  10. Because school started and my courses are pretty rigorous, I suddenly lack time to read, write, and watch Doctor Who. It’s sad.

I really don’t know what to call this post.

I’m sure you remember that I once posted about my earlier writing work (and how horrid it was). I recently came across this video of John Green’s reflection on his earlier work. I don’t feel so bad any more.

I sympathize with John Green.

Today, I discovered my younger brother’s poetry journal. I will publish my favorites here:


Freezing icy rain

Pesky mosquitos retreat

It is now winter.



Looks like a wrinkly purple oval.

Sounds like, “YUM!”

Tastes sour and bitter

Smells like…well…an olive.

Feels wrinkly on the outside, juicy inside, and hard in the center. 

Find it at the store!



The Lion 

shakes it’s golden mane 

on a granite boulder

because it’s king.



I am silly and courageous.

I wonder what our future holds.

I hear silent daffodils.

I see ghasping tulips.

I want a peaceful life.


I am silly and courageous.

I pretend many things.

I feel worried about the future.

I touch my own mind.

I worry about the future. 

I cry about death.


I am silly and courageous. 

I understand Earth is a pebble in the infinity of everything. [He has a very interesting mind sometimes…]

I say I say, War is pointless!

I dream of world peace. [Seriously, what is it with kids and world peace?]

I try to do my best.

I hope summer comes pronto.

I am silly and courageous.


He did a biopoem, too. But he did it on an angry bird character:


Round, red, feathery, angry,

sibling of Chuck, Blue, Mighty, Terrence, Bomb, and Matilda,

Who loves eggs,

Who fears pigs,

Who needs physics lessons,

Who gives destruction,

Who wants to see the eggs hatch,

Resident of the nest,



He also had to write a poem about a color. He chose black.


Black Shadows, 

Pitch darkness,





Dry Plums,

Burnt food,




Black Labrador Retriever dogs,

Black is many things.




Firey yellow

Burning Blinding Shining

Bright star Reflecting rock

Glowing Rotating Astonishing

Distant Craters 



This one is very logical. I’m glad to see that my rhyming skills are still at level with my brother’s. He titled this simply: RHYME.

There was a cat

Who found a rat

And also found a mat

And wondered why it was flat.

Why was it so flat?

Because it is a mat.

Why did the cat get the rat?

Because he was a cat.



[Sorry you had to scroll so much to read all of this post.]


The Things She Carried

  1. CHORES:  This consists of mowing the lawn, folding clothes, driving my mom places… You see, my mom fell off my loft bed a couple days a go and hit her back on the way down. She broke two ribs and collapsed a lung. So, the chore responsibilities fall to me.
  2. WRITING: I should totally be done planning my novel by now. (It’s been what…six months?) Therefore, I am opening it up to you, dear reader. What do you want to see in a character? That’s where I’m stuck. It’s hard coming up with a solid, realistic, quirky character, so I require your help. (The main character is a 17 year-old girl, Celestia, who’s mad at her parents for moving her to France her senior year. There’s also a 17 year-old boy, Luc, who could use more developing.)
  3. READING: Cursed Crime and Punishment…
  4. DOCTOR WHO: Hark! David Tennant is calling out to me…
  5. COLLEGE: I just sent in one application, I have to send another application soon, I’m looking into attending the honors college, too. I have a lot of questions to ask, too, but I’m not sure what questions they are. (Besides this one: Do juniors in the honors college really have to prepare a 45-minute thesis defense presentation in front of a bunch of staff members within a week of their thesis’s completion?)
  6. SCHOLARSHIPS: With all the money we’ve had to spend on medical emergencies lately (my brother broke his toe jumping off a bed), it seems I’m going to really need a scholarship. And if I get a full-ride scholarship, I could get a car, which leads me to my next number…
  7. LICENSE: I need three more hours of nighttime driving until I can take a road test. Help. Me.
  8. LIBRARY: Yeah, I know this sounds bad. “Tori, you already have so much on your plate…Why would you want more books?” Novels are my kryptonite. I can’t help it. I need novels.
  9. NEWSPAPER: Is my school newspaper getting together anytime soon? How will I know, since I lack a Twitter?
  10. GOODREADS: Gosh, I really haven’t been keeping up with all my books lately. Whoops.
  11. EATING: Yeah, there’s a rumbly in my tumbly.
  12. SOCIAL LIFE: Aww, who am I kidding?
  13. SLEEPING: so…tired…
  14. SEEING: I got new glasses! I’m trying to adjust to my world being clear all of the sudden. It’s odd.

    These are my glasses. They’re from Bebe.

  15. CHURCH: Yeah, it’s not really a burden. More of a release. But then again, eating isn’t a burden either. Nor reading or writing… They’re just on my mind a lot.
  16. COLLAPSIBLE LUNG: Relient K has a new CD. It’s (IRONICALLY) called “Collapsible Lung.” It sounds a lot different from anything else they’ve ever done. I need to devour it and decide if I like the change or not. This is my favorite song from it so far:

I also like Collapsable Lung, I Can’t Complain, and If I Could Take You Home. 🙂

If you were made of wax…

Today I met Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt, JK Rowlings, Beatrix Potter, Al Capone, Cleopatra, Babe Ruth, Shawn Johnson, and Vera Wang. I was not dreaming, I’m not on drugs, and I do not see dead people.
My brother’s elementary school had their annual wax museum project. My brother went as Nikola Tesla to give a speech about his accomplishments, which included saving the lives of many poor pigeons, one of whom he spent $2000 dollars on and loved “like he would have loved a woman.”
Tesla was really an amazing fellow. He feared hair and doctors. He loved the number three, pigeons, and science. He hated Thomas Edison. Edison was his enemy, but things didn’t really go well for Edison. While Tesla supported AC electricity, Edison supported DC, and called AC impossible (at least until Tesla actually invented it). Edison then went on to use AC in a government-approved electric chair to demonstrate how dangerous that form of electricity was. He executed some poor criminal in an extremely painful way–the man basically melted. But Edison’s plan backfired. Instead of associating the execution with Tesla’s AC electricity, the public associated it with Edison. And, when Tesla’s company was suffering financial strain, Tesla ripped up his contract that gave him all the royalties to his patents so that the company could live on. Plus, he had a really sweet mustache.

Tesla always wore formal clothing. He was a quirky fellow…

But I’m not here to talk about Tesla. No, I mean to talk about the wax museum project. What if I were to do the project now? Who would I be?
I could be Charles Lindbergh and talk about my son’s tragic kidnapping, brag about my trips all over the world, and flirt with all the ladies. But that would be awkward because I’m a girl.
I could be TS Eliot and just recite brilliant poetry the whole time.
I could be Alfred Nobel and complain about my misused inventions and my horrible life.
I could be Al Capone because I could do a lot of creative things as him. (“I spent a lot of time working in soup kitchens and I donated money to charity. This helped me escape from the police’s notice and relieved my conscience at the same time!
I could be Teddy Roosevelt because he rode a moose.

You wish you could ride a moose…

I could be Alice Paul because she was a pretty amazing feminist. (You may know her from the movie “Iron Jawed Angels“)
I could be Nefertiti because I love ancient Egypt and Cleopatra is so overrated.
I could be Harper Lee because her friends told her they would cover her expenses for a  year while she went to write a book.
I could be Abigail Adams because we all know she was the brains behind the country.

I could be Joan of Arc because she was one deadly heroine.
I could be Jane Austen because… MR. DARCY.
I could be Sarah Emma Edmonds because she was a little-known (thus effective) spy dressed as a man during the Civil War.
Yeah. I’d probably be her.
Who would you be?

I went for a walk today.

I went for a walk today.

Yep. A walk.

I know you’re probably marveling at my ability to get off the couch and enjoy the cold and sunshine. Admittedly, I refused to part with my dear couch until I finished the 512-page conclusion of the Matched trilogy.

After reading the last page, I didn’t really know what to do, so I ate a cheese stick, some brownies, and some fig newtons. Then my dad suggested I go for a walk. When I say “suggested,” I use the term lightly. It was more of a verdict.

At this point, I decided that I should finish my homework. I told my father so and he actually let me off the hook. Then I had an obligation to actually DO the homework…

But it was no good. My dog had heard the “W” word. He was running laps around our kitchen table. As soon as I finished my homework, I had no choice in the matter.

So, I went for a walk today.

The annual problem of our generation…

…is finding a good way to spend it. (Props to you if you know where this comes from)

Gigi and I have compiled a great big list of events we must partake in this summer.

  1. Visit the science museum
  2. Visit the zoo (again)
  3. Drive a Model T
  4. Read a book by John Green
  5. Get together to make each other watch all those movies and TV shows we keep trying to get each other to watch.
  6. Visit the nearest Cheesecake Factory
  7. Take pictures of us jumping at various locations
  8. Leave notes of encouragement (as inspired by tumblr) around various locations
  9. Play laser tag
  10. Shop at a mall
  11. Play “Where’s Waldo” real-life style at some crowded location
  12. Work out at the gym
  13. Work out at the park
  14. Walk around downtown
  15. Visit my grandparents’ boat/marina
  16. Make a stuffed animal at Build-A-Bear Workshop
  17. Bake brownies, crepes, etc. (We’re going to need to borrow someone else’s kitchen, as ours are both inefficient for this purpose. Volunteers?)
  18. Visit the beach
  19. Attend a concert(?)
  20. Eat dinner at some restaurant with Gigi’s family…

Yeah. This isn’t all happening, but we can try. There’s 104 days of summer vacation, and school comes along just to end it… (Please comment all the ones I’ve forgotten, Gigi.)

Pride and Prejudice

So. I finally read Pride and Prejudice. It took me a 24-hour period.

I’m now a Jane Austen fan and I’m ardently in love with Mr. Darcy. Honestly, why don’t men like him exist anymore? Moreover, why can’t I exist in early 1800’s Britain?? Please?

Anyways, I found this neat little flow chart. I can’t tell if I’m Darcy or Bingley… Who are you? (Yes, Gigi, the flowchart is based on the Lizzie Bennet diaries)

Who are you?

Personally, I think Gigi is Lizzie and Liv is Jane, but I could always be wrong. 🙂

And cue the maniacal laughter…

Gigi has swung the ball back in my court.  Here are 15 statements that create her personality.

  1. Gigi spends most of her time studying for school. In her free time, she typically peruses the internet or texts me.
  2. Gigi stubbornly refuses to get a Pinterest. YOU WON’T LAST FOREVER, GIGI.
  3. Gigi, Justine, and I went to a zoo last summer. That is where I found out just how serious Regina’s fear of butterflies was.

    This is a butterfly from said venture to the zoo.


  4. Gigi played the clarinet.
  5. Several days ago, I introduced her to her first peep.
  6. She likes anime.
  7. She judges you silently.
  8. She lives off Taco Bell, McDonald’s, her mother’s asian food, seaweed, and Fererro Rochers.
  9. She introduced me to Mochi.
  10. Her dream is to be able to assess the value of one’s life. (Yes. I said “one’s”.)
  11. She literally explores every possible word in Scrabble, even if it sounds like absolute gibberish.
  12. She has absolutely nothing on her white bedroom walls. AND SHE HAS MORE SPACE THAN I DO.
  13. She frequently takes online quizzes for herself and her friends.
  14. She sucks at video games.
  15. She really likes reading Jane Austen and Meg Cabot. And she went through the “Twilight Phase” once. Yes, I remember…